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  1. “A person in the mode of goodness attains the heavenly planets when he leaves his body.
    A person in the mode of passion attains the earthly planet and one in the mode of ignorance goes to hell. Whereas a devotee who transcends these modes goes to the kingdom of God.”
    Thank you Maharaja

  2. Therefore our attachment should be to saintly persons who can take us to the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord.

  3. spiritual attachment can elevate us whereas material attachment can pull us down to hellish life.powerful quote by maharaj

  4. What ever we do it comes at the end.Krishna tells in BhagavadGita that at the time of death what we think that we get in next life.but if we think constantly about Him and at the time of death also then we reach him.ALL GLORIES TO MAHARAJ

  5. What you are attached to, that is what you take shelter of during death

    please bless me maharaj so that this eaternal truth of life which is expressed in above statement should deeply rooted in my consciousness,

  6. yes you are true maharaj mostly we like our parents most & we should aspire to take shelter of our supreme father KRISHNA

  7. thank you for giving us the secret to transcend death. Lets try to be attached to only serving God.

  8. Really its amazing quote & it means a lot.So better take shelter of Lord`s holy name & devotees & make our life successful.
    Thank you Radhanath Maharaj for enlightening us so wonderfully.

  9. Thank you Radhanath Swamiji for alerting us.It will be better for us to shelter of a Lords devotees.Attachment to devotees of Lord Sri-Krishna means detachment to things of this material world.Thank you very much.

  10. It is very important to check in our life, to whom and what we are attached in our life. If we are attached to anything material at the time of death again we need to come back to this world.

  11. We must take complete shelter of our Guru who is so merciful to have descended to deliver us.That way we can safely go back home back to Godhead.

  12. Let me get attached to following your instructions and remember your lotus feet always, Oh Gurudeva !!

  13. That’s why its so important to practice Krishna conciousness throughout our lives, so we develop that attachment to Krishna

  14. This is such a hard-to-believe fact that Radhanath Swami re-iterates this again and again in lot of his discourses.

  15. This powerful stament of Radhanath Swami hammers me to remember that I am not this body but spirit soul & the soul’s pleasure is to serve the Super soul.

  16. The moment of death is perhaps the most important moment in a spiritualists life. This quote from Radhanath Swami urges us to make only God as our only shelter so that at the time of death we can remember Him and make our life successful.

  17. I hope and pray to get attatched to Guru maharaj.. Srila Radhanath Swami..

  18. Thank you Radhanath Swami for your valuable instructions which help us become attached to Krsna and Guru’s service.

  19. Life is a preparation and the Death is the examination…. so very well said HH Radhanath Swami.

  20. Better late than never. Lets fixed our mind and consciousness on the lotus feet of krishna.

  21. Its shocking . I better be attached to loving service of Their Lordships Sri Radha and Krishna as the servants of servants of my spiritual master, before its too late

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