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  1. Thanks to Radhanath swami for this vital instruction. I hope and pray that I can follow this instruction.


  3. Lord Krishna also said ” Tat shrunu” : just hear . Yes , one can begin to understand the invisible Lord and eventually can see Him , only after hearing from persons who have realized Him.

  4. Without eagerness we can not do anything, so in spiritual life this eagerness comes from hearing submissively from the great soul like Radhanath Swami.

  5. eagerness is required in any normal activity to make progress in it. So what to speak of spiritual activities whose very basis is hearing. So a very relevant quote by Radhanath Swami Maharaj.

  6. Srila Prabhupada had such a quality. That is what made him by the perfect follower of his Guru’s instructions

  7. Indeed without hearing there is no scope for advancing in Spiritual life. Thank you Radhanath Swami

  8. The scriptures say that one sees through the ears. No wonder Maharaj is stressing on hearing. Hare Krishna !!

  9. Radhanath Swami is stressing the importance of hearing.
    Has anyone experienced anytime that you know the story of what the speaker is going to speak and still one is patient and eager enough to hear the story heard again and again.
    Amazing statement from Radhanath Swami

  10. YES..Hearing Hearing Hearing…that’s very true and HH Radhanath swami maharaj always emphasizes it…

  11. Thank you Maharaj for such a nice quote

    That’s true, that’s basic qualification for a sincere devotee.

  12. The acaryas repeatedly stresses on the importance of hearing amongst the nine processes of devotional service because hearing from bonafide sources gives faith by which one can carry out other eight processes.

  13. We can see from the lives of our previous acharya’s, this statement of Radhanath Swami has been so perfectly put into practice.

  14. Srila Prabhupada was liked by his spiritual master because of his intense desire to hear from him.

  15. the whole process of spiritual culture is based on hearing of pure sound vibrations, without hearing the activities just become mechanical without understanding what we are doing and why. This awareness brings our focus on the each activity we are doing in connection to Krsna and thus progress is rapid.

  16. Normally, there is a tendency to keep falling back into the pool of material world giving in to our weaknesses and conditioned propensities. But, everytime we hear from guru, sadhu and shastra we are reminded of the spiritual reality. No wonder, as HH Radhanath Swami says, hearing is so important.

  17. His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaj has beautifully given a quote on eagerness in spirituality.

  18. When we are too puffed up we cannot learn anything new because we only want to speak and never hear

  19. Eagerness for hearing something means we have great respect for the matter which we want to hear or it is time of crisis so we should hear each and every words carefully and eagerly. Thnak you Radhanath swami for this statement.

  20. Hearing / Shruti has been the only way since ancient days people progressed in spiritual life

  21. Thank you Radhanath Swami fior giving us very important instruction. Hearing helps in making rapid progress in spiritual life

  22. Radhanath Swami is so true. the more we hear from pure devotees our material desires start declining. In my own experience I haven’t heard much in last one and half years and now i am struggling hard in my spiritual life. Now I am trying to catch up with hearing and it makes a big difference in Spiritual Life.

  23. ‘If we aren’t hearing, even if we are chanting, the Holy Name will not have as deep effect.’

  24. Our hunger to progress in spiritual life leads us to hear with eagerness the message of God.

  25. Hearing the scriptures from the bonafide & highly realized saints such as Radhanath Swami will definitely have a tremendous ‘booster’ effect on our spiritual progress.

  26. HH Radhanath Swami emphasises here the importance of hearing. As HH Radhanath Swami always says that of all the 9 processes of Devotional service, hearing is the foremost.

  27. H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj speeks such a wonderful lectures with deep heart relizations that anyone can be eager to hear from him.

  28. As Maharaj Mentioned hearing from pure devotee with pure consciousness means advancement in spiritual life.

    Thank you Radhanath Maharaj.

  29. We normally hear lectures, but to have eagerness is very important. This helps in absorbing the lecture very effectively. Radhanath Maharaj’s one liners preaches with simplicity and effectiveness….

  30. Hearing is one of the nine process by which we can perform our devotional service , however we should have to have eagerness for the hearing about the lord’s activities.
    Thank you Radhanat swami maharaj for your this statement.

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