To be a leader means to have humility, to have respect and to serve the people that we are leading. And that type of character, that type of integrity not only brings real fulfillment to our own hearts, but also has a great effect on the lives of all the people around us. – Radhanath… Continue reading Radhanath Swami on Leadership
Radhanath Swami on Determination
To succeed either in business or in politics or in law or in farming or in spirituality, we have to have determination. We have to strive, we have to have discipline. – Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami on Care
If you really care about somebody, then there is a force beyond our own that can empower us to actually inspire them. – Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami on Compassion
It is through the love, the compassion of his devotees that krishna manifests in this world to transform our hearts. – Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami on Tolerance
Our spiritual life is nourished by taking some inconvenience for higher purpose, and we can only survive by tolerating inconvenience. – Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami on Tapasya
Tapasya means to accept inconvenience for higher purpose – Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami on Diplomacy
Diplomacy when used as a means to actually offer respect to others and to serve others, then it is favorable. – Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami on forgiveness
There is no possibility of any real type of unity or congenial relationship unless there is forgivness. – Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami on Unity
Unless we have a common purpose, there is no question of unity. – Radhanath Swami
Radhanath Swami on Leadership
When you take position of leadership, you have to take responsibility. Whether you accept it or not, the responsibility is on you. – Radhanath Swami